The US President began to `return to Asia` in his own way 6The US President began to `return to Asia` in his own way 6

In less than 24 hours, US President Donald Trump has continuously shown to the international community that he is capable of realizing his predecessor Barack Obama’s pivot to Asia policy.

To reaffirm the two central `axes` of America’s Asia policy, which have prevailed for decades, the new White House owner held a phone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the end of the year.

In a phone call with President Xi Jinping, described by the White House as `extremely cordial`, US President Donald Trump affirmed his respect for the `one China` policy – which is considered an important foundation in

There are many opinions that Mr. Trump’s statement this time is an effort to improve relations with China after a series of long-lasting tensions arising from his phone call with Taiwanese (Chinese) leader Tsai Anh.

As for China, Chinese President Xi Jinping affirmed that Beijing appreciates the US President’s agreement to maintain the `one China` policy.

During the phone call, the two leaders also agreed to maintain close contact to promptly discuss issues of mutual concern, strengthen exchanges and cooperation in all fields, and look forward to organizing the event soon.

Just a few hours after this phone call, the US President held the first official summit with Japanese Prime Minister Abe in the Oval Office at the White House.

The diplomatic handshake lasted up to 19 seconds between President Trump (right) and Prime Minister Abe.

The new US President emphasized that the US-Japan alliance is the foundation for regional peace and stability: `The relationship between our two countries and the friendship between our two peoples is extremely profound.`

And to reassure Japanese allies, US President Donald Trump affirmed that improved US-China relations are not a threat to Tokyo.

Prime Minister Abe expressed optimism that the dialogues will have good results, and said Japan is looking for a fair and common set of trade rules in the region.

In particular, the two sides requested relevant parties to avoid actions that cause tension, including militarization in the East Sea region, and requested to behave based on international law.

Phone calls and summits with top Asian leaders in less than 24 hours show that the administration of US President Donald Trump is paying attention to this region right in the first months of operation.

Experts say that the focus on Asia will benefit the new owner of the White House, and at the same time have the effect of realizing the desire to increase America’s presence in the region.

According to Khong Ha


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By Daniel

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