Truth Arena: 3 items suddenly turned into `golden sect` items thanks to being so compatible with the meta version 12.7 2Truth Arena: 3 items suddenly turned into `golden sect` items thanks to being so compatible with the meta version 12.7 2

Cloak of Darkness

Although it was introduced into the Truth Arena right after the 6.5 season update, it was not until version 12.7 that the Cloak of Darkness could shine and be a worthy replacement for the Angel Armor.

Furthermore, the Cloak of Darkness is also an extremely effective main defense tool against Assassin squads or Kha’Zix himself.

Huge Power

Besides the Assassin and long-range main squads, the formation that uses many Tien Cong and Challenger champions is still a strong choice in version 12.7, even though it has been nerfed.

Previously, Colossal Power was an item associated with Warwick alone, then in the current meta, there are too many champions who use this item well.

Truth Arena: 3 items suddenly turned into `golden sect` items thanks to being so compatible with the meta version 12.7

Chain of Atonement

Although not considered a very strong or `powerful` item for any champion, the Atonement Necklace possesses dream stats.

In addition to the healing factor, the Pendant of Atonement also helps surrounding units enjoy the effect of 25% damage reduction from skills and wide-area attacks.

Truth Arena: 3 items suddenly turned into `golden sect` items thanks to being so compatible with the meta version 12.7

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