Truth Arena: 3 items have completely changed their power when moving from season 4 to season 5 2Truth Arena: 3 items have completely changed their power when moving from season 4 to season 5 2

Blood sword

At the present time, the Blood Sword is almost a `waste` item in the Arena of Truth season 4. The 40% bloodsteal figure seems strong, but the level of effectiveness in real combat of this item is

However, in the season 5 version, Blood Sword has an additional shield effect when the owner falls to 40% health.

Chain of Atonement

It’s no exaggeration to say that this is the most difficult equipment to use in Truth Arena season 4. This item is used for front-line champions and cannot take full advantage of the recovery ability.

However, season 5’s Atonement Necklace is a completely different item.

Truth Arena: 3 items have completely changed their power when moving from season 4 to season 5

Great Cannon Lien Thanh

Unlike the two items mentioned above, season 5’s Lien Thanh Cannon appears to be much weaker than season 4. With the effect of providing 200% more attack range, season 4’s Lien Thanh Cannon can help all main champions.

When entering season 5, the effect of the Lien Thanh Cannon has completely changed as the bonus attack range only stops at 1 box.

Truth Arena: 3 items have completely changed their power when moving from season 4 to season 5

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By Naomi

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