Toxic, hacking, not using English and the reasons why Vietnamese gamers often have to suffer criticism at global games 3Toxic, hacking, not using English and the reasons why Vietnamese gamers often have to suffer criticism at global games 3

Up to now, the fact that Vietnamese gamers have their IP blocked and even receive many negative comments while playing foreign games is no longer a strange story to us.


Certainly, toxicity is one of the first factors that many people often remember.

Of course, there are gamers everywhere, and not only Vietnamese gamers are toxic.

Hack, cheat games

This is probably one of the slightly unfair rumors for Vietnamese gamers.

Toxic, hacking, not using English and the reasons why Vietnamese gamers often have to suffer criticism at global games

Although hacking cheats is not common, for Vietnamese gamers, making the most of in-game resources through many ways such as using bugs and creating clones is also a problem worthy of condemnation.

Do not use English when communicating

Foreign language limitations when playing foreign games are always a problem worth mentioning for Vietnamese gamers, especially those of the early 8-9x generation.

Toxic, hacking, not using English and the reasons why Vietnamese gamers often have to suffer criticism at global games

Of course, over time, this problem has also been gradually overcome and is no longer so common.

The cause sometimes comes from the NPH itself

It’s a fact that sometimes, publishers ban Vietnamese gamers from many games simply because of their own regional development strategies.

Many famous distributors have left Vietnam, but everything is not rooted in the culture of Vietnamese gamers, but simply, it’s just complex issues of strategy, legality and revenue.

Toxic, hacking, not using English and the reasons why Vietnamese gamers often have to suffer criticism at global games

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By Logan

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