Mid-season update of Teamfight Tactics: Riot 'kills' the Holy Maiden and the Void, adding 3 clans - brand new system 1Mid-season update of Teamfight Tactics: Riot 'kills' the Holy Maiden and the Void, adding 3 clans - brand new system 1

Keeping the promise of a huge update, Truth Arena’s mid-season update has brought a series of extremely big changes to the game’s gameplay.

Of course, if you have something, you have to have it again. A series of new chess pieces, new clans – new systems with a total of 14 units added to the game promise to change the game’s meta dramatically.

The hero is removed from the game

Void: Kha’Zix, Cho’Gath, Vel’Koz.

Holy Women: Kai’Sa, Kayle, Miss Fortune.

Sona: This girl’s purification ability is too strong and does not give any counter ability, so Riot was forced to remove her.

Kassadin: Possessing a perfect set of stats, clan, and skills is unacceptable and he needs to return to take care of the Voids.

Lux: Riot will add a lot of 3-cost champions and they will be forced to remove a piece to keep the right number, unfortunately the one chosen is Lux.

New general

Mid-season update of Teamfight Tactics: Riot 'kills' the Holy Maiden and the Void, adding 3 clans - brand new system

Vayne – Cost 3 coins, Super Tech race, Gunner type

Ability – Final Moment: Vayne concentrates for 10 seconds, somersaulting away from her target and every 3 attacks thereafter.

Zed – Cost 2 coins, Rebel clan, Secret Detective type

Mid-season update of Teamfight Tactics: Riot 'kills' the Holy Maiden and the Void, adding 3 clans - brand new system

Skill – Contempt for the weak (passive): Every 3 basic attacks, Zed will deal 20/40/80 bonus magic damage and steal 25/40/80% of that target’s current damage.

Riven – Cost 4 money, Time and Space race, Swordsman type

Mid-season update of Teamfight Tactics: Riot 'kills' the Holy Maiden and the Void, adding 3 clans - brand new system

Skill – Energy Slash: Riven dashes and receives 300/450/900 shield, then slashes forward dealing 100/150/450 magic damage.

New races and many new generals

Mid-season update of Teamfight Tactics: Riot 'kills' the Holy Maiden and the Void, adding 3 clans - brand new system

Fighting Machine (2/4/6 champion combo milestone)

Effect: After dealing or receiving damage 10 times, the Battle Machine champion will activate additional effects based on current health.

Illaoi: Cost 1 Gladiator type money

Nocturne: Cost 2 Secret Detective type money

Mid-season update of Teamfight Tactics: Riot 'kills' the Holy Maiden and the Void, adding 3 clans - brand new system

Kog’Maw: Price of 2 previous Gunners

Cassiopeia: Price of 3 Mystic type coins

Viktor: The price is 4 Witch pre-types

Urgot: Cost 5 Guardian element.


Effect: Reduces the energy of Astronaut champions by 30 points.

Nautilus: Price of 2 Tien Phong system coins

Bard: Cost 3 Mysterious type coins

Gnar: Price 4 Gladiator type money

Teemo: Price 4 Gunner type money.


Effect: Turns all ally’s normal attacks into magic damage (Janna’s special system).

Janna: Price of 5 Star Guardian clan ancestors.

Other changes

Race – lineage

Time and Space: Buffed marks 4 and 6 champions, added combo of 8 champions.

Dark Star: Now has a combo mark of 2/4/6/8 instead of 3/6/9.

Pilot: Now when Super Robot is destroyed, the separated Pilot champions will be in the state of having received damage, instead of having full health like before.

Gunner: Now there will be a 2/4 champion combo mark.

Vanguard: Now there will be a combo mark of 2/4/6 champions.


Ezreal: Now reduces damage and cast energy to focus on versatility.

Syndra: If this girl’s orbs have not yet flown and the target is defeated, the remaining orbs will attack the next target.

Jhin: Attack speed will increase with champion level, so 3-star Jhin is a real threat.

Aurelion Sol: These small aircraft carrier ships will now drain energy from their targets.

Ekko: Use moves earlier and attack enemies at a certain number of attacks.


Infinity Edge: Always gives the user 100% critical hit but deals less damage.

Rapid Fire Cannon: Your attack will not miss…. again.

Archangel’s Scepter has been replaced by Blue Buff: Every time you use a spell, the champion’s maximum energy will be set to 20.

Burst Armor has been replaced by Battle Armor: Gives champions the effect of the Battle Engine clan.


Patch 10.12 will not add a new Galaxy, but Riot is in the process of removing the Purple Nebula Galaxy.

Starting from version 10.13, each version of Riot will add and remove 1 Galaxy until season 3 ends.


3-cost champions have their champion pool increased from 16 to 18.

When you sell a general, you will receive full money used to upgrade that general (for example, if you sell a 3-cost, 2-star general, you will receive 9 money instead of 5).

Helper Neeko will now always be active, regardless of whether the champion pool is empty or not.

With so many changes like this, perhaps Truth Arena will have a completely different meta in version 10.12.

Avatar of Grayson

By Grayson

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