Loren Continent - ADNX officially announced the Landing Page, revealing a lot of information that makes gamers excited and restless. 1Loren Continent - ADNX officially announced the Landing Page, revealing a lot of information that makes gamers excited and restless. 1

In recent days, Loren Continent – ADNX seems to have become one of the hottest topics for Vietnamese gamers at the present time.

Loren Continent - ADNX officially announced the Landing Page, revealing a lot of information that makes gamers excited and restless.

Accordingly, just recently, the distributor of Loren Continent – ADNX just brought a more joyful piece of information to gamers.

Loren Continent - ADNX officially announced the Landing Page, revealing a lot of information that makes gamers excited and restless.

Besides launching the Landing Page at: Landing Page: https://loren.adnx.vn/landing and the testing roadmap, Continental Loren – ADNX has also answered many questions from the online community.

Loren Continent - ADNX officially announced the Landing Page, revealing a lot of information that makes gamers excited and restless.

In addition, some images of the basic gameplay of Loren Continent – ADNX have also been teased.

Loren Continent - ADNX officially announced the Landing Page, revealing a lot of information that makes gamers excited and restless.
Loren Continent - ADNX officially announced the Landing Page, revealing a lot of information that makes gamers excited and restless.

Just looking at these images, many gamers are very excited, looking forward, even counting the days until the official test version is released.

Steps to receive tickets:

Step 1: Access: https://loren.adnx.vn/landing


Step 3: Sign up for an ADNX Account or Log in if you already have an account

Step 4: Answer Lala’s question and Submit your answer

Step 5: Invitations will be sent to your account registration email if you are selected. Note: Only heroes who receive invitations can log in to the Loren Continent.

Test roadmap of Loren Continent – ADNX:

Landing Launch Receive Return Ticket to Loren Continent: June 16

Participate in answering Elf Lala’s questions to receive tickets to board the boat: from June 16 to June 22

Send invitation to Test Limit 3000 people: June 23

Open limited Test server: 6/24

War Guild event: June 30

End of Limited Test: July 2

It is known that Loren Continent – ADNX has been confirmed by NPH as an official game licensed by the Ministry of Information and Communications No. 1016/QD-BTTTT dated June 2, 2022. This is definitely information that will make the gaming community excited.

Currently, Loren Continent – ADNX is still in the preparation stage for launch, but soon, a MU Online legend recreated on the Mobile platform will soon reach the Vietnamese gaming community.

Gamers can follow information about the Loren Continent – ADNX here:

Landing Page: https://loren.adnx.vn/landing

Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/lucdialorenadnxmobile

Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/lucdialoren

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By Martin

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