Just released, Wild Rift's Twitch shocked PC gamers because of its powerful skill set! 1Just released, Wild Rift's Twitch shocked PC gamers because of its powerful skill set! 1

The release of champions in Wild Rift is no longer a strange matter in recent years.

And the `victim` this time is the star rat Twitch!

Launched in Vietnam at 8pm on April 20, this general’s skill set was immediately recognized by gamers as having too many `serious` differences compared to the original version of League of Legends (

Passive: Deadly Poison

Just released, Wild Rift's Twitch shocked PC gamers because of its powerful skill set!

Twitch inherently has the ability to store damage with attacks and skills like Darius, Ekko, Gnar… Specifically, each move or attack will store 1 stack of Deadly Poison on the opponent.

It can be affirmed that this mechanism will help Twitch Gunner gameplay become scarier than ever, especially when combined with the Deadly Tempo rune.

Move 1 Assault

Just released, Wild Rift's Twitch shocked PC gamers because of its powerful skill set!

In this move, Twitch will be invisible and gain increased movement speed and attack speed after being revealed.

However, Twitch Wild Rift will have the ability to store 2 internal points for every 1 attack after exiting stealth for 3 seconds.

Move 2 Poison Weakness

Just released, Wild Rift's Twitch shocked PC gamers because of its powerful skill set!

Unlike the League of Legends version, Twitch’s poison bottle in Wild Rift does not last for a fixed time but depends on Twitch’s attack speed.

Move 3 Infection

Just released, Wild Rift's Twitch shocked PC gamers because of its powerful skill set!

The next interesting point in adjusting the Infection skill is the new passive infection in Wild Rift.

However, the magic index of this skill is significantly reduced, making it difficult for Twitch AP gameplay to `damage` opponents in just a split second.

Just released, Wild Rift's Twitch shocked PC gamers because of its powerful skill set!

As for the ultimate attack Eyes Wide Shut, Twicth Wild Rift doesn’t have too many outstanding differences compared to the League of Legends version.

It’s unknown how long this skill set will last, however, gamers can try it directly at Wild Rift from today.

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By Aurora

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