It is certain that if you have ever `jumped Au`, you have definitely experienced all 5 of these memories! 1It is certain that if you have ever `jumped Au`, you have definitely experienced all 5 of these memories! 1

There are still many people who are still feeling sad because of the news that Audition is closing.

Well, old people are even more nostalgic, let’s sit down here and tell each other stories about the past, about a time when we camped out in the open, `caught` until our skin was scratched and peeled in a world full of noise.

Skip class and be on call early in the morning to `plug in`

In the past, few people went to internet cafes to sit for 30 minutes at most. It took the whole day to plow, dancing Au like that was just fun.

It is certain that if you have ever `jumped Au`, you have definitely experienced all 5 of these memories!

Bombard the spacebar, pressing hard because you believe that it will be easier to perfect

There are many ways to make perfect easier in Audition: listen to music, look at white space, jump on the Ghost Classroom map… However, the way that most of us gamers trust at that time is to hit the button very strongly.

It is certain that if you have ever `jumped Au`, you have definitely experienced all 5 of these memories!

The martial art of `breaking this magic palm key` was once the terror of all subjects. Once unleashed, the sky would shake and the tables and chairs would shake.

`I definitely have to finish Gee, just once in my life`

Before higher levels appeared, the song Gee by the group SNSD with a tempo of 200 BPM was always the finish line that all players aimed for.

It is certain that if you have ever `jumped Au`, you have definitely experienced all 5 of these memories!

Yet there are still `dancing gods` who finish Gee – 8K Crazy in a crazy and routine way, stirring up every internet cafe with dozens of spectators around.

Install hack to kill Boss, receive Den to buy items

I bet that 100% of Audition gamers have hacked Perfect once to complete this super difficult Boss mission.

It is certain that if you have ever `jumped Au`, you have definitely experienced all 5 of these memories!

When a new player joins the room, the first question will be… `Is it hacked?`.

Calling Ox, Bx, 2 hands and 2 machines sat up all day

Talking about the `matchmaking queen`, Audition recognizes herself as second, but no other game dares to claim her as first.

It is certain that if you have ever `jumped Au`, you have definitely experienced all 5 of these memories!

Goodbye Audition.

Avatar of Jackson

By Jackson

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